
As a body of believers, we focus on our relationship with Jesus Christ, our love for one another and the word of God. Because life is better in community.

The Fellowship of Believers

Category: Church, Community, Encouragement, Growth, Spiritual Practices / Speaker: Pastor Chris Nelson
July 18, 2022

“The Fellowship of Believers” July 17, 2022 – Pastor Chris Nelson Acts 2:42-47 “The Christian life is not a solitary endeavor. We need one another…” Watch the full service on our Facebook page.

Ask the Father

Category: Growth, Prayer / Speaker: Pastor Sharon Nelson
July 12, 2022

“Ask the Father” July 10, 2022 – Pastor Sharon Nelson Luke 11:1-13 “Jesus teaches us how to pray.”

The Light of the World

Category: Discipleship, Trust / Speaker: Pastor Dave Auker
July 07, 2022

“The Light of the World” July 3, 2022 – Pastor Dave Auker John 1:1-9, 8:12 “Follow Jesus, who is the light of the world.”

The Living Word

Category: Bible, Discipleship, Growth, Spiritual Practices / Speaker: Pastor Chris Nelson
June 27, 2022

“The Living Word” June 26, 2022 – Pastor Chris Nelson 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5 & Hebrews 4:12-13 “The Bible is far more than words on a page. It is a place where we can meet the...

Sabbath Rest

Category: Rest, Sabbath, Spiritual Practices / Speaker: Pastor Sharon Nelson
June 22, 2022

“Sabbath Rest” June 19, 2022 – Pastor Sharon Nelson Exodus 16:21-30 “The people of God figure out how to rest even as they struggle in the wilderness.”

Tending the Soil

Category: Discipleship, Growth, Spiritual Practices, Transformation / Speaker: Pastor Chris Nelson
June 13, 2022

“Tending the Soil” June 12, 2022 – Pastor Chris Nelson Luke 8:4-8, 11-15 “We’re invited to tend the soil of our spiritual lives, to take steps to ensure that our lives are open and receptive...

The Sword of the Spirit

Category: Holy Spirit, Prayer, Spiritual Warfare
June 07, 2022

“The Sword of the Spirit” June 5, 2022 – Pastor Sharon Nelson Ephesians 6:10-20 “Protect yourself with the full armor of God.” View the entire service at our Facebook page.

A Change of Clothes

Category: Culture, Discipleship, New Life, Transformation / Speaker: Pastor Chris Nelson
May 31, 2022

“A Change of Clothes” May 29, 2022 – Pastor Chris Nelson Ephesians 4:17-5:2 “I have taken off the old self. I am clothed with Christ.” Watch the full service on our Facebook page.