
As a body of believers, we focus on our relationship with Jesus Christ, our love for one another and the word of God. Because life is better in community.

The Tree of the Kingdom

Category: Encouragement, Hope, Mission / Speaker: Pastor Chris Nelson
March 07, 2022

“The Tree of the Kingdom” March 6, 2022 – Pastor Chris Nelson Mark 4:26-34 “God routinely works through the small, the insignificant, the marginal, and the dismissed…”   You can watch this worship service in...

The Tree of New Life

Category: Healing, Hope, New Life / Speaker: Pastor Sharon Nelson
March 01, 2022

“The Tree of New Life” February 27, 2022 – Pastor Sharon Nelson Isaiah 11:1-10 “Hope never dies when God is involved.”

The Tree of Anger
The Tree of Despondency

Category: Hope, Rest / Speaker: Pastor Sharon Nelson
February 15, 2022

“The Tree of Despondency” February 13, 2022 – Pastor Sharon Nelson 1 Kings 19: 1-21 “God helps Elijah when he was in the depths of discouragement.”

The Tree Planted by the Waters

Category: Discipleship / Speaker: Pastor Chris Nelson
February 07, 2022

“The Tree Planted by the Waters” February 6, 2022 – Pastor Chris Nelson Psalm 1 “The person who is deeply rooted in God’s Word and worship is able to bear fruit for God’s kingdom.”

The Tree on Fire

Category: Listening / Speaker: Pastor Sharon Nelson
February 02, 2022

“The Tree on Fire” January 30, 2022 – Pastor Sharon Nelson Exodus 3:1-15 “God gets Moses’ attention and Moses leads God’s people to freedom.”

The Tree of Promise

Category: Believe, Faith, God's Faithfulness, Hope, Trust / Speaker: Pastor Chris Nelson
January 24, 2022

“The Tree of Promise” January 23, 2022 – Pastor Chris Nelson Genesis 18:1-15 “In the midst of their doubt and laughter and history of disappointment, Abraham and Sarah nevertheless make room for God, and that’s what...

The Tree of Hope

Category: Grace, Hope
January 18, 2022

“The Tree of Hope” January 16, 2022 – Pastor Sharon Nelson Genesis 8:6-12, 18-22 “Sin sends the world on a speedy downward spiral, but God gives Noah signs of hope.”