
As a body of believers, we focus on our relationship with Jesus Christ, our love for one another and the word of God. Because life is better in community.

The Kingdom of This World

Category: Discipleship, Justice, Spiritual Warfare / Speaker: Pastor Chris Nelson
May 06, 2024

“The Kingdom of This World” May 5, 2024 – Pastor Chris Nelson Revelation 11:15-18 (Revelation 11-19) “Jesus proclaimed an alternative to the kingdom of this world, which cannot be voted into office or brought about...

Robed in White

Category: Death and Eternal Life, Hope, Perseverance / Speaker: Pastor Chris Nelson
April 30, 2024

“Robed in White” April 28, 2024 – Pastor Chris Nelson Revelation 7:9-17 “Those who are faithful in life and in death share in the victory of God…” Watch this service in full on our YouTube...

The Lion and the Lamb

Category: God's Power, The Cross, Victory / Speaker: Pastor Sharon Nelson
April 23, 2024

“The Lion and the Lamb” April 21, 2024 – Pastor Sharon Nelson Revelation 5:1-14 “Jesus is both the mighty king and the sacrificial lamb.”

The One Who Sits on the Throne

Category: Discipleship, Encouragement, God, God's Power, Hope, Worship / Speaker: Pastor Chris Nelson
April 15, 2024

“The One Who Sits on the Throne” April 14, 2024 – Pastor Chris Nelson Revelation 4:1-11 “Despite all the reasons for anxiety or concern in our world today, God remains on the throne…” Millard Church...

The First and the Last

Category: God's Power, Hope, Victory, Worship / Speaker: Pastor Sharon Nelson
April 12, 2024

“The First and the Last” April 7, 2024 – Pastor Sharon Nelson Revelation 1:4-18 “Jesus is is the one who was, who is, and who is to come in power.”

Why Are You Weeping?

Category: Easter, Grief, New Life / Speaker: Pastor Chris Nelson
April 02, 2024

“Why Are You Weeping?” March 31, 2024 – Pastor Chris Nelson John 20:1-18 “The risen Jesus meets us in our tears…” Visit our YouTube channel to watch any of our worship services live or archived.

One Voice

Category: Glorify God, Love, Unity / Speaker: Pastor Sharon Nelson
March 19, 2024

“One Voice” March 17, 2024 – Pastor Sharon Nelson Romans 15:1-7 “Accepting one another brings praise to God.”

Disputable Matters

Category: Community, Freedom, Love / Speaker: Pastor Chris Nelson
March 11, 2024

“Disputable Matters” March 10, 2024 – Pastor Chris Nelson Romans 14:1-12 “Unity does not require everyone to be on the same page, but it does require mutual commitment and respect in love…” Watch this service...