
As a body of believers, we focus on our relationship with Jesus Christ, our love for one another and the word of God. Because life is better in community.

The Wisdom of God

Category: Discipleship, The Cross, Wisdom / Speaker: Pastor Sharon Nelson
June 16, 2021

“The Wisdom of God” June 13, 2021 – Pastor Sharon 1 Corinthians 1:18-25 “In God’s wisdom, weakness is strength.”

One Lord, One Faith

Category: Unity / Speaker: Pastor Sharon Nelson
June 11, 2021

“One Lord, One Faith” 1 Corinthians 1:1-17 “So much divides us, but God unites us.”

Welcome to Corinth

Category: Community / Speaker: Pastor Chris Nelson
May 31, 2021

“Welcome to Corinth” May 30, 2021 – Pastor Chris Nelson Acts 18:1-11 “This past year has revealed how much we both need and long for Christian community…”

Unprepared to Empowered

Category: Community, Holy Spirit, Transformation / Speaker: Pastor Sharon Nelson
May 25, 2021

“Unprepared to Empowered” May 23, 2021 – Pastor Sharon Nelson Acts 2:1-14, 29-39 “The Holy Spirit came to transform all Jesus-followers for a new way of life.”

Persecutor to Preacher

Category: Come to Jesus, Discipleship, Evangelism, Mission, Trust / Speaker: Pastor Sharon Nelson
May 18, 2021

“Persecutor to Preacher” May 16, 2021 – Pastor Sharon Acts 9:1-31 “Saul persecuted followers of Jesus, but after he met Jesus, he became a follower, as well.”

The Messiah’s New Family

Category: Community, Family, Unity / Speaker: Pastor Chris Nelson
May 10, 2021

“The Messiah’s New Family” May 9, 2021 – Pastor Chris Nelson Mark 3:20-21, 31-35 & Acts 1:12-14 “Jesus redefines family not as an insular group based on bonds of blood or kinship, but as an...

On the Way to Emmaus

Category: Easter, Joy, Transformation / Speaker: Pastor Sharon Nelson
May 05, 2021

“On the Way to Emmaus” May 2, 2021 – Pastor Sharon Luke 24:13-35 “Two discouraged disciples are re-energized when they see the Lord!”

Second Chances