
As a body of believers, we focus on our relationship with Jesus Christ, our love for one another and the word of God. Because life is better in community.

Reality, Grief, Healing

Category: Justice, Lament, Race & Racism, Truth / Speaker: Pastor Sharon Nelson
October 19, 2020

“Reality, Grief, Healing” October 18, 2020 – Pastor Sharon Nelson Numbers 21:4-9 Healing racism’s wounds requires facing hard truths about ourselves.

Justice and Righteousness

Category: Justice, Mission, Race & Racism / Speaker: Pastor Chris Nelson
October 12, 2020

“Justice and Righteousness” October 11, 2020 – Pastor Chris Nelson Amos 5:21-24 & Micah 6:6-8 “The prophets insist that our gospel has to be big enough to encompass the concerns of social injustice and systemic...

You Were Foreigners

Category: Humility, Justice, Race & Racism / Speaker: Pastor Sharon Nelson
October 05, 2020

“You Were Foreigners” October 4, 2020 – Pastor Sharon Nelson Deuteronomy 10:12-22 & Ephesians 2:11-22 “We are all foreigners. We are all immigrants. We are all sojourners.”

Slavery and Liberation

Category: Race & Racism / Speaker: Pastor Chris Nelson
September 27, 2020

“Slavery and Liberation” September 27, 2020 – Pastor Chris Nelson Exodus 1:1-14 “Exodus reveals God to be a God of liberation, who is always bringing people from slavery into freedom.”

Scattered and Gathered

Category: Culture, Race & Racism / Speaker: Pastor Sharon Nelson
September 21, 2020

“Scattered and Gathered” September 20, 2020 – Pastor Sharon Nelson Genesis 11:1-9 & Acts 2:1-12 “Everyone has a cultural identity. We vary in how aware we are of it…”

In the Image of God

Category: Race & Racism / Speaker: Pastor Chris Nelson
September 14, 2020

“In the Image of God” September 13, 2020 – Pastor Chris Nelson Genesis 1:26-31 “The Bible’s first chapter establishes the dignity and value of human life and that all peoples are part of one human...

Our Dwelling Place

Category: Death and Eternal Life, Hope, Peace / Speaker: Pastor Sharon Nelson
September 07, 2020

“Our Dwelling Place” September 6, 2020 – Pastor Sharon Nelson Psalm 23 & Psalm 90 “I’m comforted to know that God is my home wherever I am, in life or in death…”

Goodness and Mercy

Category: God's Goodness / Speaker: Pastor Chris Nelson
August 31, 2020

“Goodness and Mercy” August 30, 2020 – Pastor Chris Nelson Psalm 23 & Exodus 33:18-23, 34:5-8 “Our Shepherd is defined by goodness and mercy…”