
As a body of believers, we focus on our relationship with Jesus Christ, our love for one another and the word of God. Because life is better in community.

I Have All That I Need

Category: God's Faithfulness, Trust / Speaker: Pastor Sharon Nelson
June 15, 2020

“I Have All That I Need” June 14, 2020 – Pastor Sharon Nelson Psalm 23 & Exodus 16:2-5, 13-30 “This verse is not a promise to have everything we want, but everything we need for...

The Lord Is My Shpeherd

Category: God's Faithfulness, Trust / Speaker: Pastor Chris Nelson
June 08, 2020

“The Lord Is My Shepherd” June 7, 2020 – Pastor Chris Nelson Psalm 23 & John 10:11-18 “The Shepherd cares for his sheep. The Shepherd pursues his sheep. The Shepherd lays down his life for...

Can These Bones Live?

Category: Holy Spirit, Justice / Speaker: Pastor Sharon Nelson
June 01, 2020

“Can These Bones Live?” May 31, 2020 — Pastor Sharon Nelson Ezekiel 37:1-14 Pastor Sharon addresses Pentecost, the Breath of Life, and the killing of George Floyd.

Giving and Receiving

Category: Community, Giving / Speaker: Pastor Chris Nelson
May 25, 2020

“Giving and Receiving” May 24, 2020 – Pastor Chris Nelson Philippians 4:10-20 “Here we get a glimpse into how Paul and the Philippians supported each other through a challenging season…”

Do No Worry… Pray

Category: Anxiety, Peace, Prayer, Unity / Speaker: Pastor Sharon Nelson
May 18, 2020

“Do Not Worry… Pray” May 17, 2020 – Pastor Sharon Nelson Philippians 4:1-9 “The source of peace is God alone… The peace of God is powerful and strong.”  

Pursuing Christ

Category: Discipleship, Suffering, Transformation / Speaker: Pastor Chris Nelson
May 11, 2020

“Pursuing Christ” May 10, 2020 – Pastor Chris Nelson Philippians 3:4b-14 Paul does not allow his confinement in prison to keep him from pressing on in his pursuit of Christ.

Every Knee Bow

Category: Humility, Servanthood, Suffering / Speaker: Pastor Sharon Nelson
May 04, 2020

“Every Knee Bow” May 3, 2020 – Pastor Sharon Nelson Philippians 1:27-2:18 We’re called to follow the example of Jesus, who humbled himself in order to serve others.

Letting Go

Category: Suffering, Surrender, Trust / Speaker: Pastor Chris Nelson
April 27, 2020

“Letting Go” April 26, 2020 – Pastor Chris Nelson Philippians 1:12-26 & 2:19-30 Paul writes this letter from a prison cell, where he is experiencing isolation, uncertainty, and loss of control. In these passages, Paul...