
As a body of believers, we focus on our relationship with Jesus Christ, our love for one another and the word of God. Because life is better in community.

David, the Youngest

Speaker: Pastor Sharon Nelson
October 18, 2018

September 23, 2018 1 Samuel 17:4-11, 48-50

“Speak, Lord, for Your Servant Is Listening”
Let the Children Come
Series on Acts; Eighth Sunday; Adventures of the Early Church

Speaker: Pastor Sharon Nelson
August 23, 2018

August 26, 2018 – Acts 11:1-18 Eighth Sunday in our series of Acts – Adventures of the Early Church.

Series on Acts; Seventh Sunday – Adventures of the Early Church

Speaker: Pastor Chris Nelson
August 23, 2018

August 19, 2018 – Acts 10:1-48 Seventh Sunday in our series of Acts – Adventures of the Early Church.

Series on Acts; Sixth Sunday – Adventures of the Early Church

Speaker: Pastor Sharon Nelson
August 23, 2018

August 12, 2018 – Acts 9:1-31 Sixth Sunday in our series of Acts – Adventures of the Early Church.

Series on Acts; Fifth Sunday – Adventures of the Early Church

Speaker: Pastor Chris Nelson
August 23, 2018

August 5, 2018 – Acts 8:4-8 and Acts 8:26-40 Fifth Sunday in our series of Acts – Adventures of the Early Church.

Series on Acts; Fourth Sunday

Speaker: Pastor Chris Nelson
August 23, 2018

July 22, 2018 – Acts 6:1-7 Fourth Sunday in our series of Acts Chapter 3-8.