

Welcome to Corinth

Speaker: | May 31, 2021

“Welcome to Corinth” May 30, 2021 – Pastor Chris Nelson Acts 18:1-11 “This past year has revealed how much we both need and long for Christian community…”


Giving and Receiving

Speaker: | May 25, 2020

“Giving and Receiving” May 24, 2020 – Pastor Chris Nelson Philippians 4:10-20 “Here we get a glimpse into how Paul and the Philippians supported each other through a challenging season…”

Let’s Be Honest

Speaker: | March 09, 2020

“Let’s Be Honest” March 8, 2020 – Pastor Chris Nelson Matthew 5:33-37 “Biblical truthtelling involves telling the truth with our neighbors, telling the truth about ourselves, and telling the truth about the world in which...