in Peace, Transformation, Trust
In the Midst of the Cloud
“In the Midst of the Cloud” February 28, 2021 – Pastor Chris Nelson Mark 9:2-10 “At the center of the disciples’ disorientation and confusion, God speaks: ‘This is my Son, whom I love. Listen to...
The Liberating Sabbath
“The Liberating Sabbath” February 14, 2021 – Pastor Chris Nelson Mark 2:23-3:6 “Jesus reveals a liberating Sabbath, a day of healing and rest, a day of joy and delight, a day of freedom.”
in Mission
Through the Roof
“Through the Roof” January 31, 2021 – Pastor Chris Nelson Mark 2:1-12 “We want to be the kind of believers who long to bring others into the presence of Christ, who are willing to dismantle...
A New Direction
“A New Direction” January 17, 2021 – Pastor Chris Nelson Mark 1:14-20 “Repentance is about turning in a new direction…”
in Hope
Light Has Dawned
“Light Has Dawned” December 20, 2020 – Pastor Chris Nelson Isaiah 9:2, 6-7 “Isaiah insisted that hope and deliverance were to be found, not in political and military machinations, but in the birth of a...
Walk in the Light
“Walk in the Light” December 6, 2020 – Pastor Chris Nelson 1 John 1:5-7 & Ephesians 5:8-20 “Come into the light, remain in the light, & share the light.”
in Hope, Race & Racism
Every Tribe, Every Tongue, Every Nation
“Every Tribe, Every Tongue, Every Nation” November 22, 2020 – Pastor Chris Nelson Revelation 7:9-12 “The vision of the book of Revelation is of a kingdom that is inclusive, reconciled, healed, and whole.”
in Race & Racism, Unity
No Longer As a Slave
“No Longer As a Slave” November 8, 2020 – Pastor Chris Nelson Philemon; Galatians 3:26-28 The story of Onesimus and Philemon illustrates the unity and solidarity between sisters and brothers in Christ.
in Humility, Love, Race & Racism
Who Is My Neighbor?
“Who Is My Neighbor?” October 25, 2020 – Pastor Chris Nelson Luke 10:25-37 “What does it mean that Jesus chooses to make a Samaritan the hero of this story?”
in Justice, Mission, Race & Racism
Justice and Righteousness
“Justice and Righteousness” October 11, 2020 – Pastor Chris Nelson Amos 5:21-24 & Micah 6:6-8 “The prophets insist that our gospel has to be big enough to encompass the concerns of social injustice and systemic...