Sermons by Pastor Chris Nelson

Letting Go

Speaker: | April 27, 2020

“Letting Go” April 26, 2020 – Pastor Chris Nelson Philippians 1:12-26 & 2:19-30 Paul writes this letter from a prison cell, where he is experiencing isolation, uncertainty, and loss of control. In these passages, Paul...


Peace Be with You

Speaker: | April 13, 2020

“Peace Be with You” April 12, 2020 – Pastor Chris Nelson John 20:19-20 “Into our tangle of emotions, Jesus brings his peace. Into our isolation, Jesus brings his presence. Nothing will be able to separate...

Let’s Be Honest

Speaker: | March 09, 2020

“Let’s Be Honest” March 8, 2020 – Pastor Chris Nelson Matthew 5:33-37 “Biblical truthtelling involves telling the truth with our neighbors, telling the truth about ourselves, and telling the truth about the world in which...